Wednesday, September 05, 2007

New Reading Selections

If you like historical fiction and/or stories about witches and the Salem Witch Trials this is a great book. The story begins in Witch Child when Mary Dowd is swept away from London to America when her grandmother is hanged for being a witch. Mary believes she can have a fresh start in America only to have the same circumstances occur again and this time she is accused of being a witch. Sorceress takes over where the first book left off to discover what really happened to Mary Dowd after she was accused of witchcraft.

Endymion Spring
Endymion Spring is a mute apprentice to Guttenburg, the inventor of the printing press. Spring discovers a book that was made from dragon skin and contains all the knowledge in the world. The book reverts between the 1400s and the present day where a young boy finds the treasured book that is sought after by many.

Pendragon: The Merchant of Death
This is the first in a series that so far spans 8 books. Bobby Pendragon is by all accounts a normal kid, at least until his uncle Press tells him that he is a Traveler and must leave his whole life behind to save the people on a territory known as Denduron from annihilation. Bobby sends journals back to his friends on Second Earth describing his wild adventure.

What makes a good interview?

I had an interview last week at a public library for a Teen Librarian position. I felt lucky to even get the interview because the job market is very competitive here. The bad part is that I have had interviews in the past that I thought went pretty well and then a week later I get the dreaded letter in the mail telling me that there were so many qualified candidates and it was a hard decision...blah, blah, blah. Anyway, Ive decided that no matter how well the interview goes I will no longer get my hopes up. The interview went so-so in my opinion. I was in there with the library Director and another Youth Librarian and I felt like I got no feed back whatsoever letting me know that they even liked me. I did decide to do something different this time and I brought props. I made a pamphlet showcasing all the programs that the library could do within the next year in order to get more teen patrons. I think they liked it, but like I said before, they were stonefaced. Then today I get a call from 2 of my references saying that the Director actually called them! The Director told one of them that the decision was down to me and someone else! I hate to say it but PICK ME! I would feel horrible for that other person but I really want this job, you know? I am trying to stay calm but inside Im freaking out.