Thursday, August 23, 2007

Audio Books

I have always been a fan of the audio book, however, for some reason I have never listened to very many. I am an addict of the Harry Potter books, so I have all of those audio books and I will listen to those over and over again in the car when there is nothing on the radio. Recently, I have begun to listen to more audio books and I am finding them incredibly useful. There are more and more books that are being turned into audio books and therefore the selection at the library is profound. Furthermore, if an audio book is listened to while doing everyday chores in the house a book can be "read" in less than a day most often. I have become so fond of this type of book that I actually purchased a small alarm clock with CD player so that I can listen to my book while doing the dishes or making dinner. I often just pop in a book on tape and listen while I am knitting on the couch. It can be very relaxing and I love that I can do multiple tasks while still "reading" the books that I have been itching to get my hands on. Since I am in school I find that I often do not have time to read an actual book, and since I am in the car a lot anyway I have ample time and feel no guilt by listening to a book.

In the last 2 weeks alone I have listened to 4-5 books. Some of which include "Feed" by M.T. Anderson. This is an interesting tale about people who get controlled by an implant in their head to purchase more and more items. The language is a bit too surfer-dude for me and the tale turns out incredibly depressing, but the message is clear and undeniably close to home.

"Rebel Angels" by Libba Bray is the second book in what I believe will be a trilogy; the first book being "A Great and Terrible Beauty." The story centers around Victorian age London and is enraging and extremely moving with the weight of the world being rested on three 16 year old girls who have absolutely no power of their own accord in the described day and age. This is a great read for girls, and some boys may enjoy it as well, but probably not much.

"Coraline" by Neil Gaiman was recommended to me in one of my teen literature courses and I was intrigued to discover what the fuss was all about. I was disturbed by the tale, which didn't end up being what I thought it was. A young girl is transported into another dimension by stepping through a locked door in her apartment and is held captive by what I can only guess was a demon, though what the woman happened to be was never disclosed. If you enjoy odd mysteries with strange music and talking cats then this is for you. I would definitely listen to the audio book because the author is the storyteller and the music is outrageous.

I am currently listening to "The Minister's Daughter" and I am annoyed and vexed by the actions of the characters. The story takes place between 1645 and 1692 in London during the ridiculous time when witches were believed to be real and burned at the stake or else thrown in the river to drown. The story is sad and moving and if you enjoy historical fiction as much as I do then you should at least try this book on for size.

That's all for now chickydees. I'll let you know more as I devour more literature.